Hovis declares she is not afraid of eagles!
LOL! Hope you like the photo! If a real eagle were to swoop down towards Hovis she would scream and panic! Got a couple good things to report this evening! First off, we survived COVID! Yes, I came down with it over Thanksgiving. Honestly thought I had the flu as I ached for 2 days. Daniel and Caleb came down next but they didn’t realize it until after the weekend. When Daniel mentioned that he had lost his sense of taste and smell his boss made him come home and go get a COVID test! Yes, I lost my sense of smell and taste for a while also. Needless to say Daniel was positive so we were in quarantine. Really didn’t change anything as the park is quiet this time of year so we were still able to get out and walk, staying away from everyone. SO SO thankful we fought it off. We doubled up on our mineral/health food drink whilst we were sick and also started taking Zinc. (Tests have shown that a lack of zinc could be what causes the loss of taste and smell.) We now have ours fully back.
Second good happening is that Hannah was moved yesterday to the facility where she will get the help she needs. Before that she was in a facility that was just caring for her whilst a space became available. Today Richard and I met with the doctor who recently completed Hannah’s latest psych evaluation. She came to the same conclusion as other professionals in that she confirmed Hannah’s ASD. Hannah does NOT have ADHD, depression, anxiety etc. Her issues are behavioral which are compounded by the ASD. Whilst FASD has not been ruled out it cannot be listed as a diagnosis, even though we know it is there, due to Hannah’s IQ. Hannah is VERY bright and the doctor today said that it is very likely that the alcohol and cigarettes during pregnancy dampened down that brightness. In other words, without those Hannah would have been even smarter! What was her recommendation? The long term facility that Hannah arrived at yesterday! That was SO good to hear from yet another professional. She told us that where she is now at has an excellent reputation and does a really good job.
We haven’t been able to see Hannah for the last 3 weeks due to the previous place being on lockdown. Richard will now go see her on Sunday on his way to work so that will be good. I know Hannah misses us. In fact when she was picked up yesterday she thought she was coming home! Hannah understands why she is where she is but isn’t mature enough in her mind to really get that she has to make the choice to change her choices!
All good news though! We are healthy, the weather has been incredible these last couple of days and Hannah will now receive the help she needs to grow into the beautiful young lady that she was created to be.