Home to stay :)
Even before last week’s happenings with the truck Richard & I had decided that the transporting side of the business was going to come to an end & I guess last week just confirmed that we had made the right decision! (No word on the truck today so will call tomorrow.) Although we have worked hard & professionally on the transporting we have not made any money, in fact quite the opposite so it is time to call it quits. Do we regret it? Nope! We have seen places that we would never have seen & met folks that we would never have met. The little kids may not remember their travels once older but they will always have photos to look back on.
Aside from losing money, things on the farm have really got neglected. Farming is hard work & Richard has not been able to keep up with everything so it is time to come home, catch up & hopefully stop losing money! LOL! Don’t even ask about the chicks – that was a total disaster & we have very few left so now we are looking for a larger incubator in order to hatch more of our own eggs at a cheaper price! The hens that we have are laying well so should be able to get our numbers back up fairly quickly. The chicks left from the first lot that we bought are doing well – such a nice assortment.
The kids & I got home yesterday around 6pm & we were glad to be home. Today I was in a cleaning mood. Now don’t get me wrong, Richard always keeps a tidy house so we have never come home to a mess but there were a couple things that I have been wanting to do for a while but just no time so today was the day! Started off in the Utility Room & really got rid of a pile of boxes & stuff to go to Goodwill. When we had moved here first we had put all the business computers, Richard’s office boxes etc behind the couch as at that time we were not sure what the future was going to hold. Nearly a year later it was time to sort things out & either get rid or move somewhere else so that was this afternoon’s job. The living room looked like we had just moved in! Once that mess was out of the way we totally rearranged everything so all is clean, tidy & fresh.
The yard grass was so long that the neighbor kindly came & cut it for us with their big mower. Thanks Mary! Once that was done, we started putting up the trampoline. Not sure if you remember but we had a really big trampoline in Montana. Michael & his friends had totally wrecked the net so without that we couldn’t use the trampoline safely therefore it had stayed packed up. Finally got a new net last week so the kids were very excited. Darkness fell before we could finish but just got to finish putting up the net. Will once again be able to lie out at night & watch the stars which by the way are beautiful here. There is no light pollution & we have no outside lights so when the sky is clear you can see the Milky Way – it’s incredible.
I don’t want you all getting moody on me now that we will no longer be on the road! LOL! I’m sure I will still have plenty of stories to share with you. We weaned Duchess today so things have been a little loud here. She is NOT happy to be away from Mama but at 11mths old it is time for her to stop drinking milk. What that means is that I will be milking Lady Longlashes each day though but as we are planning on staying home that should not be a problem.
Take care y’all,
August 30, 2011 @ 3:04 am
Glad you made it home safely. You’ve sure had lots of adventures and it’s good you’ve written about them as it’s easy to forget once life gets back to a routine. Did you ever compute how many miles you’ve driven this last year?
August 30, 2011 @ 9:41 am
Well I will miss the road stories but I am glad you are off the road for good. It will be only a matter of time until you get started into something else because (from getting to know you on the blog) you are not a sit down kinda of gal. You will be up to something to write about. Good luck and best wishes in whatever you do.
August 30, 2011 @ 10:48 am
Sounds like you’ve made a good decision. As I read your adventures and the many things that seemed to go ‘wrong’, it made me wonder how long you’d be transporting.
August 31, 2011 @ 5:13 am
Well welcome home Liz!! You had a lot of adventures and got to see parts of the US you’d never see, as you said. Your memories will never fade. Instead of reading about places in books, your kids got to SEE them. Glad you are home safe and settling back in. Perhaps with the 2 Irish Setters gone, your chicken farming will be better. I look forward to your new ventures cause I know there will be many! Please share with your blog readers approx. how many miles you did these past months.