Faith’s Story
Faith was born this past Monday morning, Oct 17th 2011, weighing in at just 12 ozs and 10 1/2″ long. She was born at 21 weeks & due to her young age never took a breath in this life. Her parents (Bruce & Tricia) were able to hold her & Tricia’s older children (teenagers) were able to look at their baby sister. She will be buried later this week.
Why am I sharing this with you? Well let me backtrack a little 🙂 Some of you may remember that Tricia used to work for us in Montana when we had the rubber stamp business. She was an absolute blessing to us & kept the orders heading out the door in a timely fashion. Having been a single mom for many years she originally planned to move south with us but then felt that she should stay in Chinook. She spent several months unemployed which we all questioned at the time as to why but then she met an amazing man, fell in love & they were married in May. God always sees the full picture even when we do not 🙂
Faith was conceived shortly after their marriage & was much loved. Tricia had started to feel her kick & was looking forward this week to the ultrasound to discover if Faith was a boy or a girl. That never happened & Faith made her brief appearance in life way too early to survive.
I am sharing this with you all to emphasize the sanctity of human life. As soon as we heard the sad news from Tricia my immediate comment to Richard was, “Just think, some folks choose to abort their babies at this age & they get thrown in a dumpster.” Human life is precious folks. Faith was complete in every way – perfectly formed. We do not know why she died but we do know that it was not through the choice of “man/woman”, being an inconvenience that needed to be disposed of. Disposing of unborn babies because they are an inconvenience is murder, no other word to describe it & yet it happens by the thousands each day in this world under the term “choice.”
Thanks for reading & please pray for Bruce, Tricia & family as they grieve the loss of Faith.
(Written with permission from Bruce & Tricia)
October 21, 2011 @ 4:09 am
Could agree with you more! Totally Pro-Life.
October 21, 2011 @ 4:11 am
Actually I meant to say I could NOT agree with you more. Will pray for your friends.
October 21, 2011 @ 7:19 am
My heart goes out to Trica and Bruce. May God comfort them in their loss.
And yes…all life is sacred and a gift from God.
October 21, 2011 @ 8:20 pm
My sincere sympathy to Bruce, Tricia & family on the loss of their beloved Faith.