Richard Health Update
Good evening! Good news today, Praise the Lord! Richard has one artery that has 30% build-up but the others are CLEAR and they are not concerned at all with the 30% one! The mitral valve needs to be fixed ASAP though. We meet with the surgeon on Thursday to discuss options and then with the doc who did today’s procedure on Friday. HOWEVER one option is non-invasive repair utilizing robots. That option is NOT available in Springfield so our doc has said he will refer us to wherever we want to go! Richard will be doing his research over the next week so we can make an informed decision and ask the right questions when talking to surgeons.
Thank you for all your support and prayers. Keep it up as we still have a ways to go on this journey. The doctor is convinced Richard will still be in heart failure even after the mitral valve is fixed. We are praying AGAINST that!
He is home now & resting. They went in through the artery in his right wrist so is not allowed to lift anything over 5lbs with that hand for a week. They also went in the internal jugular in his neck so that is already looking bruised! We are both truly RELIEVED that today is over and we now know what we are dealing with. We move forward with expectation.
I’ll keep you updated when we know more.
Love, Liz